Skin Allergy occur when an allergen causes triggering of immune response leading to allergic symptoms.
Following are the varieties of allergic skin disorders:
- Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema
- Allergic Contact Dermatitis
- Urticaria / Hives
- Angioedema
- Hereditary angiodema (HAE)
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis
Is a common skin condition in children.
It affects 10 to 20 percent of children.
In adult incidence is less, 1 to 3 percent.
Cause of Eczema / Atopic dermatitis
- Disruption of the skin barrier leads to dry skin
- Food sensitization
- Faulty gene in their skin called filaggrin.
Most common symptoms of eczema
- Dry Skin
- Skin redness
- Scaly and thick skin
- Irritated and itchy skin
- Fissured and oozing skin
Itching in Atopic dermatitis can be very severe and extremely irritating.
Location of rash in infant and children
Following are the main sites of Eczema in children
- Scalp
- Knees
- Elbows
- Cheeks
Location of rash in Adult
Following are the main sites of Eczema in adult
- Wrists
- Elbows
- Ankles
- Knees
- Face
- Neck
There may be personal or family history of any form of allergic disorder.
Diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis
Consultation with an allergist is necessary for diagnosis of atopic dermatitis.
- Symptoms and signs
- Skin test
- Allergen specific IgE
Eczema treatment & management strategy
The major goals of treatment are
- Improve quality of life.
- Ability to maintain normal daily activity.
- Feel healthy and satisfied with skin appearance.
- Minimal side effects from medication.
- No sleep disturbances.
Avoidance of Possible Triggers
Irritants : like chemicals, detergents, soaps, fragrances, and smoke.
Steps to perform to reduce irritant exposures :
Wear suitable and comfortable clothing.
Wash garments prior to wearing.
Cut fingernails short and smooth
Use broad – spectrum UV protective sunscreen lotion (SPF of 15 or higher).
Bathe immediately after swimming
Inhaled Allergens :
House dust mites are most important. Follow HDM preventive measures.
Foods :
Certain food can aggravate eczema symptoms. Consult with allergist. Do allergy testing. Then elimination of certain food can be done as per your doctor’s advice.
Stress :
Stress, including anger and frustration, can aggravate itching. So be stress free.
Topical Moisturizers
Topical Steroids
Wet-Wrap Therapy
Antihistamines Drugs
Anti – histamines will not control the symptoms.
Sedative antihistamines are sometimes used.
Treatment of Associated Infections
Stress-Relieving Therapies
Vitamin D supplements
Biologic Medicines
Consult with allergist
Eczema is usually treatable condition. Consultation with an allergist is important. Proper management strategy enable someone to lead normal life style.
Skin Allergy Diagnosis
Consultation with an allergist is necessary.
- Symptoms and signs
- Skin test
- Allergen specific IgE
Skin Allergy Treatment and Management
- Skin allergy medicines are the drugs which used to treat skin allergy. Allergy medicines includes anti allergy tablets, ointments, and other medications like probiotics.
- Topical Moisturizers for Skin Allergy is very helpful particularly in atopic dermatitis.
- Topical Steroids in the form ointments is needed for disease is moderate to severe stage.
Wet – Wrap Therapy for Skin Allergy
Anti allergy drugs includes Anti histamines Drugs
- This class of allergy medicine is very helpful for skin allergy. But anti-histamines will not control the symptoms in atopic dermatitis. Here Sedative antihistamines are sometimes used.
Treatment of Associated Infections
- Skin allergy patient often has associated skin infection that has to be treated with antibiotics.
Stress-Relieving Therapies
Vitamin D supplements
Biologic Medicines
Consult with allergist
Probiotics in Allergy
- Sometimes helpful
Immunotherapy or Allergen Immunotherapy AIT
- helpful when skin allergy ointments tablets are not working.
Avoidance of Possible Triggers
Sometimes avoidance of triggering factors are helpful in skin allergy patients
Irritants: like chemicals, detergents, soaps, fragrances, and smoke.
Steps to perform to reduce irritant exposures in Allergy Patients:
- Wear suitable and comfortable clothing.
- Wash garments prior to wearing.
- Cut fingernails short and smooth
- Use broad-spectrum UV protective sunscreen lotion (SPF of 15 or higher).
- Bathe immediately after swimming