
Asthma prevention strategies

Asthma Preventive Strategies There are two basic types of asthma.  Allergic (caused by exposure to an allergen) and nonallergic (caused…

6 years ago

Common Asthma Triggers

Common Asthma Triggers Asthma is a chronic condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Asthma Symptoms include…

6 years ago

Lung function test

Lung function test/pulmonary function test/Spirometry Spirometry is the most accurate breathing test for asthma. It measures how hard and fast…

6 years ago

Control Allergy and Asthma

Always have your Adrenaline Autoinjector if indicated A person can control his allergy asthma by following appropriate management protocol. Following…

6 years ago

Asthma FAQ

Frequently asked question on Asthma: Q1. What is asthma? A. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of airways. In this…

6 years ago

Risk factor for Asthma

Asthma Risk Factors The exact cause of  asthma Asthma is Unknown. Multiple factors are responsible for asthma. Asthma  may be…

6 years ago

Treatment of Asthma

Inhalers are best asthma treatment Asthma Treatment Till date there is no cure for asthma. But if a person take…

6 years ago

Control Your Asthma

Always adhere to the asthma regimen prescribed by your physician A person can control asthma symptoms by following appropriate management…

6 years ago

Thunderstorm Asthma

Asthma symptoms may be aggravated during thunderstorm Thunderstorm Asthma: In this condition, a person’s asthma symptoms suddenly get aggravated due…

6 years ago

Asthma in Children

Asthma in children must be treated aggressively Childhood Asthma Asthma is a Global Health Issue Exact Cause of childhood asthma…

6 years ago