
Types of Allergy

Allergy types

Allergy can be of several types. These include dust allergy, skin allergy, food allergy, eye allergy etc. Most of the cases allergies are mild to moderate. But in some cases allergy can be very severe.

Types of Allergy

Food Allergy

Incidence is more in Children.
Egg, milk, peanut, shellfish, wheat, soy are important food allergen

Skin Allergy

Very common.
Etiology difficult to find out.
Eczema, Hives, Contact Dermatitis are example.

Pet Allergy

Can cause runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing. Can cause constant symptoms. Avoidance is the treatment.

Dust Allergy

Dust Mites are important indoor allergen. Can trigger Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma , Eczema

Eye Allergy

Causes itching, redness, watering of eyes. Pollen, dust mite, pet dander can trigger symptoms.

Insect Allergy

Relatively less common. Honeybee, wasps, yellow jacket, hornets, fire ants sting can cause allergy.

Management of Allergy

Consult with Allergist

Your first step to manage any allergic disorder is to consult with an allergist. Your Allergist can guide you and formulate a specific plan of management for your problem. Sometimes finding of Allergy Asthma Specialist in your locality may be difficult. You can consult with your primary care physician for appropriate referral to Allergist. An Allergist is a specialist physician who have done special training in the field on Allergy Asthma Immunology and is the specialist physician to manage all allergy related conditions.

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Do Skin Testing

After hearing your symptoms and evaluation of  signs, your allergist will formulate a panel of investigation to find out the substances you are allergic to. Allergic skin prick testing or blood testing by appropriate method will be suitable test to know the precise cause of your allergic symptoms. Usually skin prick testing are cost effective. But it is to be kept in mind that person doing skin testing must be an expert in the field. Also a good antigenic material is also necessary to perform the test. Blood testing is usually costly but results are similar.

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After proper diagnosis your physician will prescribe you appropriate anti allergic medicine. There are two forms of treatment available for allergic patients. Medication and Immunotherapy. Decongestants and antihistamines are the most common allergy medications. Immunotherapy is the preventive treatment for allergic disorder. Immunotherapy is usually recommended only if the person seems to be selectively sensitive to several allergens.

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Why Am I Allergic ?

Symptoms Of Allergy ?

How To Diagnose Allergy ?

Treatment Of Allergy


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