
Allergies are Global Health Issue. The term Allergy was first coined by the Pediatrician Clemons von Pirquet.

Worldwide Allergies are common and increasing. Around 30-40% of global populations are allergic.

In India around 20-30% populations are suffering from some form of allergic disorder.

Types of Allergy

Allergy can occur from Food, dust, pet etc. Few important types of allergy include

Food Allergy:

Incidence is more in Children.
Egg, milk, peanut, shellfish, wheat, soy are important food allergen.

Skin Allergy:

Very common. Etiology difficult to find out. Eczema, Hives, Contact Dermatitis are example.

Pet Allergy:

Can cause runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing. Can cause constant symptoms. Avoidance is the treatment.

Dust Allergy:

Dust Mites are important indoor allergen. Can trigger Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma , Eczema.

Eye Allergy:

Causes itching, redness, watering of eyes. Pollen, dust mite, pet dander can trigger symptoms.

Insect Allergy:

Relatively less common. Honeybee, wasps, yellow jacket, hornets, fire ants sting can cause allergy.

Major Allergens

Dust Mites

  • Major allergen worldwide.
  • They are Microscopic.
  • Feeds human skin scales and debris.
  • Acts as perennial allergen.
  • Important cause of Asthma.

Pet Dander

  • Cat, Dog, Rodents.
  • There are no non allergic dogs.
  • Cat allergen can stay long even for 6 months after cat removal from home.


  • Allergenic pollen generally wind borne from grasses, trees.
  • Mainly cause Allergic Rhinitis.Rainfall can influence abundance.


  • Two species American and German.
  • Live in warm and humid places.
  • Can be airborn when they are disturbed.
  • Linked to Asthma.


  • May cause seasonal and perennial symptoms.
  • Grow in warm, humid environment.
  • Alternaria, Aspergillus important.

Food & Drugs

  • Cows milk, egg, shellfish, pea nuts and soy are most important.
  • Inhalant allergen can cross react with foods.

Risk Factor For Allergy

Though allergy can occur in anyone but few risk factor can aggravate the condition. Following are the risk factors

Family history of Atopy

  • One parent atopic 50 % increase risk,
  • both parent atopic more than 62 % risk increase in children.
  • None are atopic chance is less than 20 % in children.

Serum IgE > 100 IU/ml

  • Total serum IgE of more than 100 IU/ml in less than 6 years of age.
  • However it is not specific.

Tobacco Exposure

  • Tobacco exposure in children can increase the risk of developing allergies.
  • Stop cigarette smoking in home to prevent harmful effect on children.

Animal Contact

  • Animal dander, saliva, urine, hair, feather are the source of antigen.
  • Cat antigen Fel d1 
  • Dog antigen Can f1 are important aero allergen

Dust Mite Exposure

  • House dust mite is a major allergen worldwide.
  • They are microscopic.
  • They feed human skin scales and debris.
  • Important cause of perennial Asthma.


  • Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis is a part of the atopic march.
  • It may be associated with the development of several foods and environmental allergies.

Symptoms of Allergy

Symptoms of mild to moderate allergy include:

  • Runny Nose, Stuffy Nose, Sneezing
  • Wheezing, Shortness of Breath
  • Cough
  • Rashes
  • Headache
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

Symptoms of severe allergy include:

  • Generalized urticaria and angioedema
  • Itching, tightness in the throat, hoarseness of voice
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, cramp in the abdomen
  • Respiratory difficulty/shortness of breath, cough, wheeze
  • Weak pulse, dizziness, reduced BP
  • Only a few symptoms may be present. Severity of symptoms can change quickly

Management of Allergy

Allergy may be mild to moderate and severe allergy. Severe allergy or anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergy and may need hospitalization.

Consult with Allergist

  • Your first step to manage any allergic disorder is to consult with an allergist. Your Allergist can guide you and formulate a specific plan of management for your problem.
  • Sometimes finding of Allergy Asthma Specialist in your locality may be difficult. So you can tell primary care physician for appropriate referral to Allergist.
  • An Allergist is a specialist physician who have done special training in the field on Allergy Asthma Immunology and is the specialist physician to manage all allergy related conditions.
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