Fish Allergy

Fish Allergies Are Usually More Common In Adults What is Fish Allergy ? Fish allergy is immunologically mediated reaction to certain fish which occurs within minutes to hours after taking…

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Egg Allergy

What is Egg Allergy ? Egg allergy is one of the important food allergies in children worldwide. Egg allergy can occur as early in infancy. But most of the cases…

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Tree nut Allergy

What is Tree nut Allergy ? Tree nut allergy is immunologically mediated reaction to tree nut which occurs within minutes to hours after taking tree nut. Even a small amount of…

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Peanut Allergy

What is Peanut Allergy ? Peanut allergy is immunologically mediated reaction to peanut which occurs within minutes to hours after taking peanut. Even a small amount of food is sufficient…

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Milk Allergy

What is Milk Allergy ? Milk allergy is immunologically mediated reaction to milk which occurs within minutes to hours after taking milk. Even a small amount of food is sufficient…

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Dust Mite Allergy

House Dust Mite is the most important perennial allergen Dust Mite Allergy is caused by House Dust Mite (HDM), which is a very small creature that lives in each and…

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Control Your Asthma

Always adhere to the asthma regimen prescribed by your physician A person can control asthma symptoms by following appropriate management strategy. Following are the general management strategy to improve health and…

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Control Your Allergy

Always have your Adrenaline Autoinjector if indicated A person can control allergy symptoms by following appropriate management strategy. Following are the general management strategy to improve health and wellbeing and…

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Drug Allergy

Drug Allergy Drug allergy is immunologically mediated reaction to certain medicines which occurs within minutes to hours after taking that medicine. Even a small amount of drug is sufficient to trigger…

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Animal Allergy

Pet dander can act as perennial allergen Pet Allergy Animal Allergy: If a person is experiencing allergic symptoms after petting or playing with a dog or cat, then likely have…

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