Eye Allergy

Eye allergy symptoms can be irritating Eye Allergy In eye allergy our immune system recognize few harmless substance as harmful and react against it leading to allergic manifestation. The primary…

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Skin Allergy

Symptoms of Skin Allergy may be very irritating Skin Allergy Skin Allergy occur when an allergen causes triggering of immune response leading to allergic symptoms.  Following are the varieties of…

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Food Allergy

Food Allergies Are Usually More Common In Children What is Food Allergy ? Food allergy is immunologically mediated reaction to certain foods which occurs within minutes to hours after taking…

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House Dust Mite

House Dust Mite House Dust Mite (HDM) is a very small creature that lives in each and every home. It is the most important indoor allergen which is responsible for…

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Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis, hay fever, or seasonal allergy is an allergic response to specific allergens. Worldwide 10-30 % people are suffering from allergic rhinitis. Pollen is the most common allergen responsible for…

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What is Allergy?

What is Allergy ? Allergy is an immunologically mediated reaction to substances which are considered harmless to most of us. Allergy causing substances are called allergen. When an allergen enters…

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Allergy F.A.Q

Frequently asked questions Allergy Frequently asked questions Allergy (Allergy FAQ) Q1. What are allergies? A. An allergic reaction occurs when our immune system reacts with the substances which are considered harmless…

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