ATFAI Initiative

  Asthma Treatment For All Initiative (ATFAI) Asthma Treatment For All Initiative (ATFAI) is an asthma programme initiated by Dr Monojit Mondal Pediatrician and Allergist from Kalna, Bardhaman, West Bengal,…

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Allergic Medicine

Allergy Medicines These are the medicines used to prevent or treat allergic conditions. These include 1. Antihistamines Histamine is a biologically active substance that enhances inflammatory and immune responses of…

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Pollen allergy

Seasonal allergies are mainly caused by pollen Pollen Allergy Pollen is one of the most common triggering factor for seasonal allergies. This seasonal allergy if often referred to as “seasonal…

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Food allergy management

Introduction to Food Allergy Food allergy symptoms can cause troublesome. Even a small amount of food is sufficient to trigger food allergy symptoms. Food allergy can cause life-threatening reaction called…

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Control Allergy and Asthma

Always have your Adrenaline Autoinjector if indicated A person can control his allergy asthma by following appropriate management protocol. Following are the general management strategy to improve health and wellbeing…

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Prevention of Allergic Disorders

Prevention of Allergic Disorders Allergy is an immunologically mediated reaction to substances which are considered harmless to most of people. These harmless substances are call Allergens. Risk factors For Allergic…

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